Stay up to date with the WGADCB
Keep tabs on our meeting agendas and minutes or better yet, join us for our next meeting! The WGADCB meets twice annually, at the Aquaculture America conference (Winter-Spring) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Drug Approval Coordination Workshop (Summer).
Interested in helping with the drug approval process?
Check out the WGADCB
‘Wishlist‘ of needed
efficacy data. This document lists the studies that are still needed to show that certain drugs are effective and to help get them approved for use. Think you might be able to help conduct one of these studies? Contact WGADCB co-chair Jim Bowker today!
Check out the AADAP Newsletter
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership Program produces an excellent monthly newsletter summarizing the latest news in the aquaculture drug approval arena. Click here to download the latest update or browse the archive, or subscribe to automatically receive future issues.
Enjoy the fruits of our labor
Learn the importance of using only approved aquaculture drugs
Click here to view a letter from the Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine to aquaculture professionals describing the various reasons for using approved products. Getting ready to place an order for aquaculture drugs? Send this letter along with your request to address questions purchasing agents may have about these products.
Learn more about use of drugs on fish
Click here to view an article written by the Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine entitled FDA Answers Your Questions about Fish Drugs. This article was written following a meeting between AFS and CVM leaders to discuss the AFS Policy Statement on the Need of an Immediate-Release Anesthetic/Sedative for Use in the Fisheries Discipline (adopted December 2011). There continues to be considerable confusion and misinformation among fisheries professionals regarding the legal use of fish drugs, particularly sedatives, and how these essential tools are applied in the field, hatchery, or lab setting. We hope this article provides pertinent information regarding fish drug use to the fisheries and fish culture/fish health communities.