Not every finding or observation is suited to publication as a scientific article in the peer-reviewed literature, but anecdotes and preliminary investigations can be very useful. Aquaculture Application Notes are short web ‘publications’ similar to a technical note. Notes can address any aquaculture-related topic, and typically share a unique or novel approach to problems faced in fish culture in the farm or hatchery setting. Do you have a trick, tip, or handy ‘how-to’ you would like to share with others as an Aquaculture Application Note? Check out our Guide to AAN Authors or contact us today!
AAN #1 Walleye Culture – Habituation to Feed in the Dark
AAN #2 Feed Training Largemouth Bass in Intensive Culture
AAN #3 Use of Isometamidium Chloride to Control Mortality of Adult Chinook Salmon Due to Cryptobia salmositica
AAN #6 Improving Biosecurity by Making Disinfectant Use Cost Effective – A Disinfectant Reuse Box